LIST Decisions

19. September 2022 Judgment Case No. Pl. ÚS 7/22 of 19 September 2022 (Pandemic Act) – legal summary Read more 07. June 2022 Judgment Case No. II. ÚS 2460/19 of 7 June 2022 (Identity Number) – legal summary  Read more 15. April 2022 Judgment Case No. II. ÚS 1626/22 of 15 April 2022 (Rights of minors approaching the age of majority in custody cases) – legal summary Read more 22. March 2022 Judgment Case No. II.ÚS 3006/21 of 22 March 2022 (Protection of human dignity and private life of the victim of serious hate speech by means of criminal law) – legal summary Read more 15. February 2022 Judgment Case No. IV. ÚS 2773/20 of 15 February 2022 (Use of the method of scent identification in criminal proceedings) – legal summary  Read more 02. November 2021 Judgment Case No. III. ÚS 1765/21 of 2 November 2021 (Right to accessible social care) – legal summary Read more 26. October 2021 Judgment Case No. IV. ÚS 1804/21 of 26 October 2021 (Conditions for rejecting an application for a conditional release from imprisonment) – legal summary  Read more 18. October 2021 Judgment Case No. II. ÚS 1854/20 of 18 October 2021 (Fair remuneration in connection with the employee’s duty to be available at break times) – legal summary  Read more 07. July 2021 Judgment Case No. II. ÚS 482/21 of 7 July 2021 (Age assessment of juvenile migrants and their right to the assistance of an interpreter in court proceedings) – legal summary  Read more 21. June 2021 Judgment Case No. II. ÚS 417/21 of 21 June 2021 (Right to compensation for non-pecuniary damage caused to a public official by unlawful criminal prosecution) – legal summary  Read more