In 2017, in Batumi, Georgia, the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic was unanimously elected to preside over the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC). This international forum brings together 41 European constitutional courts or similar bodies of the judiciary responsible for constitutional review. It serves as a platform for the exchange of information, views and perspectives among its members, in particular regarding methods and procedures of constitutional review and institutional, structural and practical challenges in the area of public law and constitutional powers.
The three-year long presidency of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic was supposed to be concluded with the XVIIIth Congress of CECC in Prague in May 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and due to the measures taken by the authorities to stop the crisis the event cannot be held it the originally approved date. In view of that fact, the Circle of Presidents, the central decision-making body of CECC, decided by way of circular resolution to postpone the XVIIIth Congress for February 2021 and to prolong the presidency of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic to 2021. It also decided that the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova would chair CECC from 2021 to 2024.
Pavel Dvořák
Head of External Relations and Protocol Department