The Constitutional Court consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, and other twelve Justices. The President of the Constitutional Court represents the Court vis-à-vis third parties, carries out the Court’s administrative activities, convenes and presides over the meetings of the Constitutional Court’s Plenum, sets the agenda of the plenary meetings, appoints Presidents of the Constitutional Court’s Panels, and performs other tasks given to him by statute.
The Constitutional Court‘s internal structure is such that it has a Plenum, which comprises all Justices, and four three-member Panels. The Act on the Constitutional Court lays down which matters are to be decided by the Plenum and which by the Panels. To each case a Justice Rapporteur is assigned. Her/his task is to prepare the matter for deliberation, unless she/he finds that there are preliminary grounds for rejecting the petition.
Each Justice is assigned three assistants. Justices’ chambers were created to facilitate the business of the individual judicial offices.
Apart from the President and Vice-Presidents, the Constitutional Court’s other official is the Secretary General, under whose direct purview comes the entire Court’s administration, the Judicial Department, the Analytics Department including the Library, and the External Relations and Protocol Department. The Court’s administration itself is managed by the Director of Court’s Administration.
Organisational Chart (723 KB, PDF)