On Thuesday 12 March, the President of the Constitutional Court met with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Andreas Künne. Even though the Ambassador had visited the Constitutional Court in the past, he stressed that he appreciated meeting the new President of the Constitutional Court and highlighted the importance of the Constitutional Courts in both countries.
For the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the Federal Constitutional Court is an important partner whose case law is closely followed. In this context, Josef Baxa said that he considered the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe to be the flagship of European constitutional judiciary and that he was pleased to note how the recent decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the unconstitutionality of the violation of the debt brake principle was respected by the authorities and the public.
During the ensuing discussion the Presidents agreed that there is a certain weakening of the culture of public debate and expressed their belief in the key role of the media and news in this area. The role of the media is indispensable in explaining courts' decisions in an understandable way. The President of the Czech Constitutional Court added that the courts need to have public trust and that they must strive for it through their approach. Nevertheless, the courts' efforts to gain trust must not be confused with efforts to gain popularity; such efforts, on the contrary, do not belong to the courts as a matter of principle.
His Excellency concluded by informing the President of the Constitutional Court of the commitment of the German Embassy to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, to promote mutual contacts and exchange of information. Josef Baxa appreciated this fact, expressed his support for the development of further relations and thanked Andreas Künne for his determination.