A meeting of the Circle of Presidents of European Constitutional Courts, the governing body of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), took place in Tirana, Albania. The primary purpose of the session was to prepare the next congress of this organization, scheduled for 2027.
The Czech Constitutional Court was represented by its President, Mr. Josef Baxa. In addition to organizational issues, including discussions on the topic of the upcoming congress, the selection of invited organizations, and the deadlines for submitting national reports, the key topic of the meeting was the application of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo for CECC membership. Not all states whose constitutional courts are members of this organization recognize Kosovo as an independent state.
It is therefore positive news that a large majority of the courts present admitted the Constitutional Court of Kosovo as a member of the CECC. It became its 41st member.
Vlastimil Göttinger
Secretary General

Photo: © Constitutional Court of Albania