Today, the President of the Republic Petr Pavel has appointed Dita Řepková as a Justice of the Constitutional Court. He did so two days after the ten-year mandate of Constitutional Court Justice David Uhlíř had expired.
JUDr. Dita Řepková, Ph.D. was born in 1975. She graduated from the Masaryk University Faculty of Law in Brno. She successfully completed her doctoral studies at the Charles University Faculty of Law of in Prague in 2021 by defending her dissertation on the topic of protective treatment and secure detention.
From 2002 to 2008, she was an assistant to the Constitutional Court Justice Eliška Wagnerová. In 2006, she passed the judicial exam and in 2008, she was appointed a judge. She first worked at the Brno Municipal Court, then at the Regional Court in Brno from 2019. At both courts she dealt with criminal cases. She also has experience in the international legal environment. She did internships in the UK, the USA, the Netherlands and most recently in 2023 at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
We wish Madam Justice the very best in her new important role and we welcome her warmly to the Constitutional Court.
Pavel Dvořák
Head of External Relations and Protocol Department

Photo: Zuzana Bönisch, KPR