There was held the XVIIth Congress of European Constitutional Courts in Batumi, Georgia. In accordance with the Statute of this international organization, a new presiding constitutional court was elected to head the Conference within the next three years and to convene the XVIIIth Congress in 2020.
It is an extraordinary award and privilege for the Czech Republic and its Constitutional Court to be elected to the Presidency of this prestigious organization for another three years.
The unambiguous vote the for the programme presented by the Czech Constitutional Court has brought an obligation to assure an active approach in the future to support those of the Conference members, whose independence may be under threat.
The XVIIIth Congress of CECC, which will be held in Prague in 2020, brings also the opportunity to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of constitutional judiciary in Europe, which originated in Austrian and Czechoslovak Constitution for the first time.
Finally the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic wishes to thank the members-courts of the Conference and their Presidents for all the trust and support rendered. We esteem it highly!