Eliška Wagnerová, Justice Emeritus of the Constitutional Court and its former Deputy Chief Justice, was elected today a senator of the Brno-city constituency to the upper chamber of the Parliament, the Senate, for a six-years' term. She had run as an independent candidate supported by the Green Party.
Eliška Wagnerová completed her law studies at the Charles Law Faculty in 1974. She worked as a company lawyer, then as an advocate. In 1996 she received her Ph.D. in political science at the Philosophic Faculty, Masaryk University (MU). In 1982 she went into exile in West Germany, where she worked as a journalist, then a consultant on Czechoslovak law. After residing in Canada for four years, she returned to the Czech Republic in 1993 and became an assistant to a Constitutional Court Justice. In 1996 she was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic („Supreme Court“), and in 1998 President Václav Havel appointed her its Chief Justice. In 1994–99 she taught comparative constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc („Palacký Law Faculty“), and since 2004 also at the MU Social Sciences Faculty. Since 2002 she has been a Substitute Member of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe. On 20 March 2002, President Václav Havel appointed her a Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court; her term-of-office expired ten years later in March 2012.
She specializes in issues of constitutional law from a comparative perspective, the constitutional judiciary and its status in the constitutional system, and issues of fundamental rights. She has presented papers on these and others issues at a number of Czech and international scholarly conferences, and the papers she presented were subsequently published.
In October 2009 the Czech Lawyers Association (Jednota českých právníků) awarded Eliška Wagnerová the silver medal of Antonín Randa.