Current Justices and Court Officials

vypis soudci

doc. JUDr. Milan Hulmák, Ph.D.

Justice (since 1 February 2024)

doc. JUDr. Milan Hulmák Ph.D.

Milan Hulmák (*1975, Jindřichův Hradec) graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1998 in Pilsen. He completed study and research stays at T.M.C. Asser Instituut in the Hague and at the Max Planck Institute für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg.

He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Private Law and Civil Procedure at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc. He also participates in lectures for the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic, the Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic and the professional public. He has been cooperating for a long time on projects of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the Agency for Research and Development of the Slovak Republic.

Since 2000, he was a member of the working commissions of the Legislative Council of the Government for Private Law, and was a member of the commission for the preparation of the new Civil Code at the Ministry of Justice. Since 2002, he was an attorney at law and later an arbitrator at the Arbitration Court of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Czech Chamber of Agriculture. He also acted as an expert in a number of arbitration proceedings.

In terms of expertise, he focuses mainly on issues of contract law, especially consumer protection and lease regulation. He is the author of Conclusion of Contracts in Civil Law and Price Control in Consumer Contracts, a number of commentaries (Linde, C. H. Beck), professional publications and articles, among foreign ones for example Contract Law in East Central Europe. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Právník and Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi.

The President of the Czech Republic appointed him a Justice of the Constitutional Court on 1 February 2024.
